Why is it important to have a short domain name?

Domain name market sales documented on namebio.com over the last 10 years show us that businesses and individuals pay the most for shorter domain names (typically 3-9 letters) that reflect their industry, business activities or abbreviate their business name.

Benefits of a shorter domain name

Increased Memorability

It’s so much easier to type 6 characters than 15 characters. This is particularly important giving that mobile now accounts for over 55% of web browsing, and 92% of all internet users. Given that search boxes are smaller on these devices and that it’s a bit trickier to type long strings, it’s important to have a shorter name to avoid misspelling.

It’s important to have this memorability and accessibility. Conversions are universally invaluable to business and having the right length domain name means that your business can be found more easily.

It’s also easier to include a shorter domain on any printed material, like business cards or brochures.

Come across as an Industry Authority

A short URL that sums up your business concisely shows that you are an industry leader who has resources and doesn’t need to settle for a longer one.

Longer URLs can be associated with spam

Longer URLs are commonly associated with spam as the barrier to entry for registering longer urls is very low. A shorter url gives a sense of authority especially in a popular field. This is also the case when it comes to sending emails using your domain name.

For example: “Apple.com” would sound more legitimate in 2023 than “Applecomputers.com”

You can add a short version or variation of your domain to redirect to another one

It’s also possible to add shorter domain names to your website so that they redirect to a longer main one. This is similar to setting up a catch all email account so that emails still find their way to your company.

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